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Friday, March 4, 2011

Waking up to Sunrises of Hope

Today, I am sharing a story that I wrote back in 2007. I re-read every now and then to remind myself of what it's all about. Thought i'd share with you :)

Happy reading xo

I sat by my window and watched the sun come up. Something I haven't really done in a while. There's just something about watching the night turn to day that makes me feel alive. Not in the living and breathing sense, but more like in the falling in love way. Something that is so new but yet always feels so familiar. You almost don't want to look away, just in case you miss something. A feeling. A colour. A moment. And for that moment, it feels like you're seeing it for the first time. Feeling it for the first time. It feels like that first kiss. Anticipated. Yet unexpected. You can never really know what to expect from that first kiss. You've had them before but not one first kiss is the same. If you really watch a sunrise, I mean really look. Watch it. As the colours move and change and dance in the sky. You can almost feel that first moment. Most people prefer sunsets. Most people have seen more sunsets than sunrises. Most people are awake to see the sun set. Most people are either sleeping or too busy getting ready to see the sun rise. Most people take it all for granted; Sunrises. Falling in love. As well as being in love. Not very many people really pay attention to a sunrise. Not very many people take the time to appreciate it. Not very many people get the chance to feel...Sunrises...Falling in love...Or someone they love, loving them back.  Sunrises tend to be forgotten. Rarely seen. Rarely felt. Ignored. Unnoticed. People become so busy they tend to forget to acknowledge; Sunrises...Love. You can imagine a sunrise. A first kiss. But you can't predict the feeling. Of falling in love. You can't predict the intensity. Of the colours. Of the kiss. Or the hope of what today will bring. You can't predict how long it will last. Or if they will ever love you back. Most people prefer Sunsets. Sunrises are growing on me. Maybe it's the hope they carry. That makes me feel alive. That keeps me holding on.

Don't let love go unnoticed. Take a moment. Open your eyes. Acknowledge a sunrise. Open your heart - to a story of love!

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Click here to read my love story.


  1. how inspirational!!


  2. This is just beautiful and so well written!!! Loved reading every word of it and found it so refreshing and inspirational...you are one lovely writer! Thank you so much for stopping by my site too!!! :)

  3. this is so touching and beautifully written! lovely and inspiring blog! :)


  4. Thank you ladies, that's sweet :)

  5. I see a sunrise nearly every morning on my daily jog or yoga practice and it always makes smile. People probably think I'm just the crazy, smiling jogger/yogini but it's because it does make you feel so much of what you have written. Really, really beautiful Joyel xx

  6. Thanks pretty! And you are crazy, that's why I love you :D
