Welcome to my story corner. I will be posting stories that I have written - some old, some new. I hope you enjoy reading them.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Time to dream, good night!

Sometimes when I can't fall asleep I invent bedtimes stories to tell myself. This is one of them. Hope you enjoy it!

Sending a little love your way,

Joyel xo

The time has come
The time to go sleep
Not time for bubble gum
Not time for counting sheep

But wait! Before you go
And fall fast asleep
There's something you need to know
A secret for you to keep

There are better things 
Than counting sheep
On clouds with wings
To get yourself to sleep

Wishes and dreams go hand in hand
When all the lights go out
You just need to go dreamland
No need to blow a candle out

Dreamland is a place, you know
Filled with princes and princesses
Dreamland is a place you go
Where monsters wear silly dresses

Dreamland is place I hope you understand
And that you hear me when I shout
"Wishes are real, wishes are grand
So wish of things to dream about!"

Like giant ice cream cones
Sprinkled with skittles like a rainbow
Magical things like fairy tale gnomes
And the biggest bubbles you could ever blow.

Sitting outside and wishing on stars
That look like millions of fireflies
Finding shapes of cars or even planet Mars
When you look up at the dark skies

My wish tonight for you
Is that you dream your very best
And if a monster says "Boo!"
Just remember the silly dress.

Now lay down your head
It's time to call it a night
It's time for you to go to bed
Time to turn off the light

Time to dream a dream
A dream of great delight
One of giant ice cream
and stars that shine so bright

It's not something you want to miss
So hurry! Get tucked in tight
Close your eyes, here's your kiss
It's time to dream, good night!