Welcome to my story corner. I will be posting stories that I have written - some old, some new. I hope you enjoy reading them.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Oceans Inside of me Move for you

Have you ever noticed how ocean waves gush into the form of a half-heart shape?  

I like to believe that if two waves were to hit, they would form the most perfect heart shape.

Today I am sharing a story that was written a while back (2006). Can you guess who it's about? ;)

I'm staring out my window; a part of me wishes you were on the other side - staring back at me; looking into my eyes. With just that one look paralyzing my entire body; head to toe. I want to tell you all my secrets. I want to tell you that I'm scared. I want to tell you everything inside of me - inside of my heart. I want you to somehow magically be inside of it and feel the way I feel when I think of you. I am addicted to it. I think if you felt it, you would be too. I tried to come up with a way to describe it; a tingle, a butterfly, a falling star, a sunrise, a sunset, freshly baked cookies, hand holding, kisses on the forehead, kisses on the nose, or perhaps a smile - on the inside. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I close my eyes and I can almost feel your perfect eyes looking back at me. From the tips of my fingers, and running up and down my spine, I can feel your perfect lips smiling at me. My heart smiles for your heart; for the beauty that you are. For the tingles and smiles that are inside of you. Eyes closed, my entire body feels paralyzed from being filled the most beautiful things you can imagine. From the prettiest flowers to the sweetest candy - to the way that I can only imagine you taste. Like when feeling so hungry you can almost taste the thing you are craving; you close your eyes and you can almost smell it cooking and you can almost imagine how good it would be...if only you could taste it. I want to tell you that it hurts, to feel something so beautiful. It hurts to want something so badly. It hurts to know that it can be this beautiful. It hurts to be the only one feeling it. I want to tell you that I love you, but you make words so hard to find. There's nothing left to say. Except this is what I feel like when I think of you. I want to capture this feeling, put it in a box and send it to you. Maybe then, you would know what it feels like to be me thinking of you. It makes my heartbeat race and pound inside my head. It is deafening.

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Happy reading xo

1 comment:

  1. Cute blog!:)
    Follow me? I'd be very happy if you do it!
    Thank you so much!

